Definitely not a finished product yet…or ever.

You need to stay restless, curious, relevant, different and better. Wrestling legend Rowdy Roddy Piper used to say “just when you think you have all the answers, I change the questions”.  Well, when you think you have all the answers to life and career, the questions always change.   Doesn’t matter how much experience you have […]

Is it the score that matter?

Improve the customer experience, and the score will follow. I’ve seen lots of companies put extraordinary efforts into getting great NPS scores or favorable Google reviews. For most, it’s the optics of a high score that matters, but is that right? I’ve led customer experience efforts and instituted different means of scoring processes and performance […]

Is AI the rise of the machines?

Are the borgs taking over? Yeah. Maybe. Hell, I don’t know. I love the 1993 movie Tombstone, starring Kurt Russell. At one point in the movie, Kurt, as Wyatt Earp, is asked “Do you believe in God?”.  His answer? “Yeah. Maybe. Hell, I don’t know.” If someone asks me “Ron, do you know how to […]

Here’s how marketing fails in an organization.

Why does marketing often fall short of success? Let me count the ways. I’m still a bit dense and not as quick to connect the dots as I’d like, but I’ve learned a few things over the course of time. Some of those things I’ve learned are the variety of reasons of why marketing can […]

Why fractional business services could be right for you.

The use of fractional services is a growing trend these days, for good reason (many good reasons). Fractional business services involve hiring part-time or temporary professionals with specialized expertise in various areas of business to perform specific roles or tasks. They can parachute-in quickly behind the lines and get to work. But what makes these […]

Hey, service providers…don’t be so thin-skinned.

It’s not a zero-sum game. You and your client both need to win. Twelve years ago, I knew my traditional PR firm wasn’t suited for the new world of social and content creation, so I cut ties and looked for a more forward-thinking firm. I researched and asked for referrals, ultimately engaging three firms and […]

I love 80’s hair metal. There, I said it.

Tom Keifer of Cinderella provides a good lesson in personal branding and staying relevant. I love 80’s hair metal music. My favorite band then was Cinderella; still is. Great blend of rock, blues and country and local folks…from a town only 20 miles from where I grew up. Tom Keifer was the band’s singer and […]

Size doesn’t always matter in business

Speed, smarts and dexterity can often be the determinant between winning and losing. Size doesn’t always matter in business. Speed, dexterity, hunger, smarts does. At a board meeting 12 years ago, our chairman was Googling keywords during my marketing update. He pummeled me with questions and derisive comments. “How come this company is appearing on […]

The packaging is as important as the product

Form must meet function for maximum impact. Great packaging can mean the difference between stopping a customer in their tracks or having them move past your product without even a glance towards your product.  Blinding flash of the obvious, right?  But it bears repeating. Good marketing blends function and emotion to “arrest” buyers and make […]

Mono-line sales leader, meet Mr. Dinosaur.

If you’re only using one channel to generate sales, you may be facing extinction. I bet you’ve heard some of these statements: I’ve heard these and many more excuses plenty of times dating back to the late 90’s when companies I worked for were adding new sales channels.  I could understand then but can’t understand […]