On-Demand CMO

You lead an organization that’s growing and maturing.

You know you need to do something different and better with marketing but you don’t know what or how. Budgets are tight and resources thin. You don’t know what to do but you can’t do nothing either. It’s time to bring in an On-Demand Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). That’s where Lion Advisors come in.

Lion Advisors offers an end-to-end array of services, to help fortify and grow your brand no matter what you need to get there:

  • Brand Planning: positioning, structure and management
  • Staff Build/Re-alignment: defining the roles needed and organizing the marketing team
  • Budgeting: developing a strategic-to-tactical, line-item marketing budget
  • Digital Strategy: building a digital, visual, mobile strategy to acquire and retain customers
  • Customer Experience: understanding, re-setting, measuring, improving customer processes
  • Social Marketing: creating a framework for success with social media
  • Metrics: assembling and tracking core metrics on a monthly basis
  • Internal Communications: building internal brand strength employee communications
  • Crisis Communications/Media Relations: policies and procedures for handling the good and bad
  • Lead Management: generating leads, measuring, and improving the conversion funnel
  • Sales Support: setting-up sales teams for better engagement with new media tools

“Fractional CMO” is the trendy phrase these days. You’re not ready for a full-time CMO, but need what a CMO brings. You need strategic, practical, tactical marketing expertise, and you need it now. Lion Advisors bring that to your organization: helping you organize people, budgets, strategies and tactics.

  • We work with you to get things done quickly and get you headed in the right direction.
  • Engagements can be for a few weeks or a few months.
  • Engagements can be hourly, project-based or recurring, on a defined fixed-cost basis.
  • All services and deliverables are flexible, driven by your unique business problem and needs.

This is where you say: “I need my advisors to act as members of my leadership team. Can you help me for a bit longer?” Some business problems take more time to solve, and that’s okay. We’re here for whatever our clients need, for however long they need it.

  • Engagements longer than 4-6 months are available as needed.
  • These are very custom, high-impact, high-value engagements and can’t be taken lightly.
  • These engagements are best-served by agreeing to a scope and defined fixed-cost structure.


Lion Advisors follow a 5-step process to solve problems and unearth opportunities:


We examine your entire marketing ecosystem and take inventory of over 100 dimensions, focusing on people, process, budgets, technology, data, programs and more.


We’ll tell you what’s working well and not-so-well. Our job here isn’t to find fault, but rather, to look for opportunities for your organization to get stronger and better.


We create a roadmap / timeline of what needs to be done first, second, third and so forth.


We coach your internal teams, along with outside marketing partners (if needed), on execution. Your on-demand CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) now leads the charge on tactical implementation.


Once the foundation is built or corrected and programs in place, your Lion Advisors are available to help you and your team care-and-feed your marketing growth strategies.



We examine your entire marketing ecosystem and take inventory of over 100 dimensions, focusing on people, process, budgets, technology, data, programs and more.



We’ll tell you what’s working well and not-so-well. Our job here isn’t to find fault, but rather, to look for opportunities for your organization to get stronger and better.



We create a roadmap / timeline of what needs to be done first, second, third and so forth.



We coach your internal teams, along with outside marketing partners (if needed), on execution. Your on-demand CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) now leads the charge on tactical implementation.



Once the foundation is built or corrected and programs in place, your Lion Advisors are available to help you and your team care-and-feed your marketing growth strategies.