Is your marketing like Mom’s meatloaf?

Old-school marketing is like comfort food. It’s familiar to you, but it may not be what you need. In primary research I conducted a few years ago, 91% of my buyers first learned of my brand long before a sales and marketing engagement occurred. They weren’t sitting around waiting for me to give them a […]

“You’re a Chief Marketing Officer? OK, but what does that mean?”​

Well, it could mean many different things to many different people. Let me offer my perspective. The days are long gone when the top marketing leader in an organization is valued for how well they render logos on donut boxes. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) role is vital in today’s organization…or it should be. Today’s […]

Tips and truisms for building your personal brand.

Lions represent wisdom, power, royalty, courage, dominion and authority. Lions stand up, stand out. They claim and defend their territory. Each of us needs to be a “brand lion.” In a crowded, cluttered marketplace, you need to take steps to claim and defend your space. Here are some tips and truisms on building your personal brand to stand up and stand out.

What fuels organizational performance?

You can Google the topic and likely find 10 pages of results, all with varying opinions and perspectives on what drives growth, performance, brand leadership. I’m sharing my perspective on what I’ve seen and believe to be some of the critical factors that can drive corporate performance: